Always after sweet time of summer break comes school time...
But this year I'm almost glad that I'm coming back to school, that summer break was one of the worst I've ever had and don't ask me why, that just had been.
The school time has begun. Standing up early, sleeping anywhere and anytime when's possible, (...), learning about completely inconceivable stuff, stupid homework and, the worst, three Physics Lessons per week! (that's even more inconceivable thing than each other!) But, heh, I don't know how, but I must survive that.
And after few days I should be sick of playing cards, so anyhow I'll happy.
One thing I can worry about is that I have no idea how I'll be able to stand up early morning, because this summer break my daily mode completely screwed up and my day messed a bit with night :)
You mild mannered Beast!
What do you think your doing!?
As you can see...