Hi, I'm Chez. Nice to meet you. If you need any help or just to want to talk, leave me a comment or send me a message. I will not eat you.

Chez @KuroiYasha


University of Technology


Joined on 7/22/07

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Back to school

Posted by KuroiYasha - September 1st, 2008

Always after sweet time of summer break comes school time...
But this year I'm almost glad that I'm coming back to school, that summer break was one of the worst I've ever had and don't ask me why, that just had been.

The school time has begun. Standing up early, sleeping anywhere and anytime when's possible, (...), learning about completely inconceivable stuff, stupid homework and, the worst, three Physics Lessons per week! (that's even more inconceivable thing than each other!) But, heh, I don't know how, but I must survive that.
And after few days I should be sick of playing cards, so anyhow I'll happy.

One thing I can worry about is that I have no idea how I'll be able to stand up early morning, because this summer break my daily mode completely screwed up and my day messed a bit with night :)

Back to school


You mild mannered Beast!
What do you think your doing!?

As you can see...

Youre too awesome at comics.... ^_<

Hey, thanks, you've been always telling me so nice stuff... =^_^=

Yeah skools a bummer.
weirdly enough my brake wasn't good either...
but always remember when your teachers and such get you down you just gotta...
DO A BARREL ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nice people deserve nice stuff :D

I don't think I deserved :)

Lol! "a Break between holidays" xDDD when i get back to school i couldnt wake up early too xD but well now all you have too doo now is.... SURVIVE Physic D= xDDD

Standing up early proved not the worst problem, that's even ok if I get free seat in train and make some sleep there -_-
But Physic kills me and I really don't know how I'd be able to survive... The teacher is the madest person I've ever met and I usually has no idea what he talk about (not only me fortunately).
Every Physics lesson is a simply massacre DX

you really make nice web comic dude.

Thanks :)

oh and do you like rabbits too?

Yeah, especially as a pie XD (joke, I'm a vegetarian)
But seriously, they're cool and cuuute :3



=) another great comic. summer just doesnt last anymore, especially when you have practice all summer like me XD. Also the guy with the shaved/ spiked hair is pretty badass

My best friend with the Mohawk? Hehehe... He's just very, very frank XD

i'm back at school with all new school stuff woot! =0)

Wish you luck on the new way of life.

School suchs. :(

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I can't say definitely only one of those.

everyone knows that unless youre rich or spawned from a perfect gene pool school regardless the grade is a DRAG!!

Yeah, you're right. But not everyone can be rich or perfect. Life would have been boring this way, don't you think so?

Hi.Yeh School sucks.But at least we get holidays and the weekends. Nice comic btw ^_^

Yes, thanks to those two there's a chance to survive :)
And thanks to you for good words :3


The guy from LP was called Chaz or something like that, I think, but I don't exactly remember. I haven't listened to LP for ages... (but still have a poster of them)
No, that's not him xD
Don't worry, I haven't get mad and thanx much for making me laugh :D

how are you doing to today and nice web comic you have there : )

I'm doing pretty good, tired as Hell, but still quite well. I'm after school, so everything is good! (and no homework today!) :D
And thank you for good words about my work, I'm trying to do my best :)

Wow, so you make comics? Your good! :]

Yeah, I make them if I just have a bit of time and inspiration, but usually I draw crazy\stupid stuff on lessons :)

So your school started again... well it sure looks like that the summerbreak is over again... but not forever... thats the good point! :) Awesome comic as always! ;)

Yeah, unfortunately. Another summer is sooo far... so I need to catch better point to survive. Now I'm waiting for X-Mas! :D

Man, your comics rule Chez.
I'm going back to school this tuesday.

Aww... Thanx! #^_^#
That's bad that your holidays ends, but everything which is good ends so quickly...
Such a cruel life...

:D! Whats up old friend!

Nothing much. Just living from weekend to another weekend praying for not to be ask by Physics teacher (f***, it happened to me today). Much learning, not much homework and a pile of idiotic books to read (damn, I complain much)
From a better side I'm quite popular in a afternoon train, because I play with my Rubix Cube when I come back home XD

I got to get up at 6:45 to cycle 9 miles to school..

I stand up few minutes after 6 to catch a morning train and go about 50 km to school.

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