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Chez @KuroiYasha


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If it goes like this, my head will explode soon.

Posted by KuroiYasha - January 26th, 2009

Few days ago I watched Japanese movie called Jisatsu Saakuru known by the world as Suicide Circle or Suicide Club. Movie as movie, such a Japanese horror, not very scary, in some scenes funny, at least for me, but quite good keeps tension at all.

All would be right, but for the soundtrack. If you expect heavy, horryfing music, SURPRISE! There's nothing like this you can find here. The main song, which goes along the whole movie is probably even much dreadful than the darkest Death Metal song you can ever imagine.

The worst of that all is that since watching the movie this song has been terribly stucking in my head. I noticed that even right after waking up This Something mumbles somewhere in my brain. This isn't just a while, this is too long for me. I'm sick of it. Please people, help me to throw it off my mind.

I attache the song video here, anyhow it has nothing to the movie and it's rather to listen than to watch (creepy boring). You listen it for your own responsibility, so don't blam me if your ears start bleeding or your head just suddenly explodes.

/* */
The chorus goes somehow like this:

Mail me. Hurry and hit the send key.
Can 't you see? I've waited patiently.
Mail me. To my phone or PC,
I'm ready to tell you that I'm standing by.

Mail me. I want to let you know
As friends go, yours is the best hello.
Mail me. I'm sure you never knew,
How I feel about you, this is real, I need to...

...hear from you right now or I'll die.

I have no more ideas. I've tried everything I could thought out.
Listen to the other music doesn't work, right after I disconnect, the buzz of the song comes back. It doesn't matter if it is my lovely Ska or Punk, or it is sweet Death Metal, or anything other (I just haven't tried techno and pop, I don't want to have necrosed brain). Just doesn't work.
I tried not to listen to that. Without any visible result.
I also tried such a method as "Listen 'Till Vomit". Also without effects (anyhow the critical point hadn't been reached, my dear friend saved me).

I don't know what I should do, so please, help me.

Note to the movie: I think it's worth to watch, especially if you like blood (scene with a train, when over 50 young girls are run over is rather hilarious than scary, mass of blood is everywhere), overmore corpses appeares very often. But if you expect just fun, you'll be disappointed, there is also time to cry.

If it goes like this, my head will explode soon.


You are trying to hard. I know it is awfully cliche to say "just don't think about it." However that is always the best advice. The more you try to force it out of your mind, the more prevalent it will become. Best of luck with getting the song out of your head.

Have a nice day.

Haha, maybe you're right :) Only when I stop thinking about anything other, after a while I catch myself with this song... So careless it comes :P

Anyhow thank you, and also have a nice day.

Da video was boring but SUICIDE CIRCLE WTF?

Suicide Club,known in Japan as Suicide Circle (Jisatsu Sakuru) is a 2002 Japanese independent film and part of a trilogy that gained a considerable amount of notoriety in film festivals around the world for its controversial subject matter and gory presentation, and has since developed a significant cult following.

I have no idea what that Suicide Circle thing is... or I've never heard about it before! (O____O;)
That's something new for me... but can't the people live without a bunch of flashy boards everywhere in Japan? Can't they put their ads in the newspaper or on the television ads? <_<# But it looks pretty cool! ^^;

"I have no idea what that Suicide Circle thing is..." - look at the response above ^_<

Haha, you know, Japan is a country of the technology. Notice how many great concerns are Japanese, wouldn't you want your own company was visible between the others? At least people are crazy, but that's a different story ^___^

you know.... when i hear a catchy tune on the radio...... i walways hear the fucking tune of ducktales (woooohoo!)
i mean...l that song is pretty catchy, you should try it!

Well, well, using such words here. Don't cuss :P
Yeah, Ducktales theme is catchy, but don't work on me. Now's time for Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers! (I'm wonder how long this song will keep my head) Thanx!

Wow...I for some reson like this song. The movie sounds like it's good too.

That's not a bad song, just too sweet and too catchy for me. I'm glad that you're still alive.

Who said I was alive? =)

Haha, you weren't? So maybe I'm talking with a decaying corpse? %P

No, I'm a vampire! ^,-,^

Haha, you reminded me, I have so poor memory ^____^

sounds like a game I heard about. It is a japanies game about teenagers fighting creatures in their school at night. But they attack the creatures by putting a gun to their head and it somehow kills the mosnters.

As I always say Japanies are weried.

Yeah, right, but their horrors are usually much more scarier than American ones >.^