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I have been waiting for it whole year. For this one night between 30th April and 1st May.
The Walpurgis Night is a very special time when demons, spirits, ghosts and other damned beings freely walks on the Earth.
In the Norse mythology it is the night of dead, evil spirits and in the Celtic calendar it is a Beltane holiday which begins the Summer.
People in the past used to set bonfires, often on tops of hills or any high places, to keep away those evil creatures and dead from their houses and families, also they used to clean their fireplaces and furnaces and fix fences. On the festivals, naked people (probably for safety) were jumping through fire, others were carrying out cattle between two outbreaks to protect them against diseases.
The symbol was the pillar of the May holidays with white and red ribbons (phallic shape symbolizing the god, and garland at the top - goddess).
Types of rituals and beliefs, of course, depended on the place where the feast was celebrated.
The night is also known by numerous sabbaths especially on the Blocksberg in the central Germany. Allegedly, the witches hold a large celebration on the mountain and await the arrival of Spring.
Even now some people still celebrate this night by setting bonfires, playing with fire, singing and dancing. Maybe that sounds weird nowadays, but all is for fun and happiness! :D
If you want to know more, look for in Wiki or just click links above :)
Johannes Praetorius: Blockes-Berges Verrichtung 1668
Is that demon shitting in a chamber pot?
Haha, probably.