During the week of absence I met many great people from my family I haven't know, I visited some kind of healer-sorcerer who told me all damages of health I ever had, whatever he looked like an ordinary guy, was very nice and talkative. I also was at a trip to a dead city, it (here some links: 1 2) and to abandoned base of nuclear warheads (link here).
Moreover I got some cash from some guy on the street. A banknote dropped from his pocket and when I wanted to give it him back, he was like 'WTF? my money?' and gave me it saying "You'll have on Coke" :D
But that's not the end!
Finally I bought myself my first ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! Dean Vendetta 3.0 classic black... It's so glorious feeling to have such wonderful Thing in hands... There's no photos in the Net exactly of this model I have, the one with such white eyes on the neck. I attache one made with my damned cell phone.
I just thought my Dad will kill me when it came to pay.
While writing this my fingers nearly bleeding X3
...Poor neighbors...
well, have fun using your bleeding hand on that guitar, i visited the links out there and found these:
Borne Sulinowo ( Woj.Zachodniopomorskie ) troche histrii ..w 1989 roku 9 Maja, z%u0142o%u017Cenie kwiatów i salut przy pomniku Lenina, foto Oleksandr Piven.
By%u0142 to najwi%u0119kszy,"reprezentacyjny" pomnik w mie%u015Bcie. Wykonany z bia%u0142ego marmuru, sta%u0142 przed Klubem Garnizonowym,Dzi%u015B pozosta%u0142y tylko wspomnienia
but anyways, tell the sorcerer(if he is still there) to have fun in the base of nuclear warheads.....yeah....
If you clicked any photo it would be get bigger. I know that the English v. of this site does not work, anyhow you could at least use any translator :P But for you:
1) Borne Sulinowo "have not exist" till 1992. It wasn't marked on maps or road atlases. ...Till 12 October 1992 when Russian army finally left Borne Sulinowo - those were soldiers in the number 15 000 of the 6th Quota of Nowogrodzk - Vitebsk Division Russian Army. In April 1993 the city was transferred to Polish civil authorities.
2) Borne Sulinowo - some history. 9th May 1989, putting at the monument of Lenin, photo Oleksandr Piven.
It was the greatest, 'elegant' monument in the city. Made of white marble, stood before the club garrison. Now it is only memories. [this is about the first photo]