Hi, I'm Chez. Nice to meet you. If you need any help or just to want to talk, leave me a comment or send me a message. I will not eat you.

Chez @KuroiYasha


University of Technology


Joined on 7/22/07

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Finding you cannot be so hard. I hope.

Posted by KuroiYasha - November 29th, 2009

Seems my life has changed. Changed, hope, permanently.
This news post had to be about my gloomy mood, depression and all bad stuff which were appeared in my head. It would have looked like this if I wrote it a week ago.

Something happened.
Not that I am 100% sure what is going on, I feel kinda confused since that time.
That was an ordinary Tuesday's afternoon. I was standing in an awesome queue to receive a city card, old geese pull me onto the end of it (firstly they wanted some help from me with filling a form, then they all stated they were there before me. ehh -.-)
Then some funny, young, baldy metal guy appeared. He asked if he could be after me in the queue and went to fill the form. We both wanted to talk to each other badly, but we both were too ashamed to start... After a loooong moment he pulled himself together and said:
'Nice chains, could I have a look?'
I bet my face was whole red, but we finally started a conversation. We were laughing as crazy from all things around us. When I finally got to a cash window some man who was standing behind me and that metal guy asked suprised if we were not together o.O

Than all things went so fast, I was late for a class and generally feel so strange that I dunno what was going on. I was too ashamed, I guess so he was, that I do not even know his name T_T

After all this day I came home and unexpectedly noticed that my endless mood of hopelessness disappeared. I do not know what this metal guy did, but since this day I feel much better! I see that I started to look at all problems in an optimistic way, or just do not care precisely.

I feel that I must find this guy, I do not have idea how, but I must.
At least to say 'Thank you'.
Till now I spent many hours searching on the most popular community portal (without any result) and wrote to a free, daily newspaper which is read by half of the capital city (it's a 2-million-people city argh!), hope they will print it -.-
EDIT: They printed it on Tuesday. Still no response. This way failed.

What should I do to find him? Maybe you have any idea?
Write it here, please!

EDIT (NEW): Well, today passes 3 weeks since I met this guy. I still have a little hope I will find him, but I slowly calm down, do not look around as crazy. I feel that I have learned much since that day, surely I have much more self-confidence than before.

What is a probability of meeting same woman, exactly in the same place?! It happened.
So if this guy and me have to meet some day, we'll certainly do; so no worries :)

And I had no idea that there are so many bald people around! XD

Right now I'm wondering about Xmas. I need to make something for my friend from Vietnam's bar but have no idea what it should be. Probably it will be a chef paperkraft, but don't know when I'll get time to stick it =.= Well, I have no idea if I'll even be able draw a new comic on time. Damn.

Finding you cannot be so hard. I hope.


Wow, he sounds great :D
But alas, you cannot find him! That is quite a problem...
Hopefully the newspaper will print what you wrote, which in turn will hopefully result in a response from him :)

Other than that, I have no ideas as far as finding him. Sorry! I will try to come up with ways to find him, and will post them here as soon as I think of them :/

The newspaper wrote it, but no response I received. Even spam sent by insane kids. At least some of my classmates were laughing their heads off, anyway I do not care about those bastards :P
So I keep searching and look carefully at every person I pass by (damn, thanks to it I have nightmares).

Anyhow I still believe I can find him.
&& Thanks for support!

Shoot, should have asked for his number.
Where do you live, exactly?
Is it big?

Try hanging out near the place you met him.
Maybe he will show again.

I live in an average big town near Warsaw, but the whole thing happened in the capital itself. More detailed information you can get only in a private talk, ok? ;)

You say the number. I wish I had been wise enough to ask for a name. Damn.
But well, yeah, seems I walk, more or less consciously, to this underground station almost every day. Anyway it is close to my train station, so I can allow myself doing this having few minutes left. Also going there I cross the place in the city centre where all subcultures can be met.

Yeah, I still have hope.
&& Thanks.

Dude... I hope you'll find him! If he really did all this to you, you know... pulled you out of depression and all that... sounds like he made you a happy man again! ^-^

Jeez... all that happened on a normal Tuesday... but you know what? I think you were worth getting late for class that day! I'm not beeing rude or anything but a morning like that is worth getting late for if it changed your life back from depression to happiness! It kinda doesn't matter if you get late then... :)

And I agree with Jesuslizard... try to hang around the place you met him!
Who knows... maybe one day he will show up! :)

(And I still admire your drawings, Chez! Hope that it made you even happier! :D

Honesty, I completely do not know what he did for me, but I feel much different now, I finally have a willing of life, yeah! :D I am just horribly irriteted when I think how stupid I am. However I guess I have learned many important things since that day, probably more than for my whole life. Sometimes I think it is a destiny, even if I do not believe in it. :P
And yeah, I hang around this place much. I think I will keep doing this since municipal police will get interested in me or Greenpeace guys kill me with their polls and questions.

As you mentioned about drawings, I made this one without any reason. But I feel something happened also in the way of my drawings. I just cannot make sad, depressing stuff I used to, I even had horrible problems with finishing an episode of one of the pessimistic comics I started to draw some time ago.
Do not know if it is better or worse, hope better ;)

And as I tell myself every day: I can do it, I gotta find this guy!
Thank you for keeping me thinking this way! :)

aw crap
i just realized you're a girl
i am so sorry

jesuslizard was right
you should have asked for the number
and then maybe when you called him
you'll reach an answering machine
then you'll leave a witty yet lip biting message like
"you had me when you asked about my chains"

(that totally sounds better when you say it in your head)

Sorry for what? There's no need to be sorry. Really.

Duhh, maybe you're right I felt in love x) But I still can't imagine this guy and me as a couple. As friends yes, but not as a couple ;)

And you're right, just it's much easier to say than to do.
Anyhow nice vision, hehe.

oh geez, what are you gonna do...
im glad that metal guy made your life happier
but i have no idea how you are gonna find him D:.
i wish you good luck and keep making those drawings, i really like them :)

I don't know what I'm gonna do, but definitely I'm not gonna sit on my hands and wait infinity. Well, never mind ;)
Thanks for all and be sure I'll make more happy drawings! :D

yeah you could still be good friends
like REALLY good friends
like someone you can pour your guts out after a long day of work

Haha, yeah, I'd love to have such a friend!

but be careful
if you have too many friends like that
eventually you'd get bored with it
(trust me, i know *wink*)
so back to the guy
have yah seen him yet?

Heh, I wish I had even one friend like that.
But seems you're the lucky one ;)

And do you think there wouldn't have been any new post if I had met him? -_-
It's like ...You're one of two millions... but that's not so easy. I keep hanging around this Metro Centrum station, I feel kinda stupid walking there.
Well, if we had to meet ourselves one day it'll happen no matter what.
I know I'm mumbling

that's a good attitude
you know perservirance (or whatever the spelling is) does pay
though not what you'd expect
but still, it'll do some good in your life
at least now you still have a reason to keep on hanging
unlike most people in the world
what's another hour wasted on waiting
when it's gonna pay off, right?

Haha, right! I dunno how to say it clearly, but such a thoughless treading and glancing around gives me some strange kind of happiness and a kick of power to live, to cope with everything.
So it pays off even now, yee :D

please tell me you got that
i kinda lost my point somewhere there in the comment
sorry about that

I think I got that, and don't feel sorry, everyone's home :3

and good luck with the whole 'dude search' thing

Oh yeah, thanks! :3

I didn't die! :D

Great! :D

i have no idea how to find him, nut i hope you do.

Hope n=b. thanks :)

I guess you should just pay a lot of attention to your surroundings when you have time. Maybe he even lives close.

Or, you could do a manhunt of your entire area, and beyond. Bring pepper-spray and flashlights. We'll find him :)

Mmm I try to look carefully around me while walking through the capital city. Some people are scary o.O And then I have nightmares, hehe.

Manhunt, great idea! Manhunt in the whole Warsaw, I'm trying to imagine it... Well, I can give you as many pepper-spray, flashlights and anything you want if you just promise to find him! (: