Hi, I'm Chez. Nice to meet you. If you need any help or just to want to talk, leave me a comment or send me a message. I will not eat you.

Chez @KuroiYasha


University of Technology


Joined on 7/22/07

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Another year...

Posted by KuroiYasha - January 4th, 2010

One year passed, another came, just hope this one will be better. Too many people I loved left this world last year. People very close to me. Some others struggled or still struggle for their lives.

Beginning of a year for me is a Person Who has Changed my Life death anniversary. It's been three years since He passed by. Like every year this day my friends and me will be listening and singing a song for His Memory. No matter it is Ska, I always cry lisening to it. I hear it once per a year, but I never forget its words and melody.

No. It's not the song. It would be too hard for me to stand it.
Here is one of those I've been listening much lately. I like the original track better, but English version is also good.

/* */
I was a one of their concerts. Awesome energy. I won't forget one fat guy who somehow got onto a scene and jumped into the crowd. The audience had rather weak hands so he felt down. Vocalist looked scared at him and said concerned to all of us "I won't forbid you jumping from the scene, but be careful, please." :)

And here is one of my little friends who sometimes try to kill me, but mostly save me giving me amusement on boring lessons.

More awesome photos of these magnificent birds, also the source of this one: http://www.fotoprzyroda.pl

Another year...


that's a really great picture

I know :3
Also thank you for reminding me of giving a source.

i did?
and awesome
i got he first and second comment


Hey Chez,your inbox's full,cant send u a message. :)

Awwww~! Sorry!
Now it should be ok :)

are you having problems with your inbox too?

Yeah. Seems that some admin wants to make a mess highly decreasing number of possible messages in inbox :P
Now the critical number of them is about 500.

so that's why my inbox is still full even though it's only about 700 something??????
what the.

Instead you received a new pms interface, it's nice, neat and requires a limitation of the message in inbox, but no one tells you about it, don't you like it?

i kinda like my old disk space back
500 is a little too small for me

Same for me :P

kool picture

... :3

Why hello thar :3

Hi there :3

what's up?

One day left to the Winter Break :3
All tests done!
Finally some time to calmly use the pc -.-
Moreover I've been drawing a new tattoo design, hehehe

What about you?

winter already?
me and my friends have been experimenting on our drawing skills with tattoos
we made a few money in making temporary tattoos at this event at school

Oh wow, cool! :3

"winter already?"
Winter with full power! Now is a bit better, but few days ago temperature was likely -30*C (-22 F)! So you know, communication almost didn't work, slippery as Hell, cold as **** everywhere, I was wearing gloves on lessons hehe (x

Well, I get that you live on the Southern Hemisphere, right?

i wish there was winter here too
i love the cold weather
i mean REALLY cold weather
like the one you described

and i'm not exactly sure where i am
i'm in the Philippines

aww now I understand why you're not in the winter thingy
at least there is always warm :3
it's not fun when Roadmen are surprised by snow every winter and than there's no possibility to go anywhere
or shaking because of cold when train is delayed for forever
I'm not Russian who tells that -20*C is warm!
I also does not recommend you such temperatures

*warm hugs*

that's sweet
but the truth is
i hate the sun
i burn easily
and the sun me brown
so that's that

though you do have a point there
about the part where you can't go anywhere
and when you're standing there waiting for the train
and you're like standing next to people who are sneezing and don't cover their mouths as they do

oh, haha, i also hate getting brown
i hate sunbathing
but i love sun
most of all in winter when it is barely seen
but when there's no clouds, the snow and everything look so wonderfully
that it's impossible not to get outside :)

when people are sneezing i always sneeze like them
so noone cares about covering mouths
nobody wants to freeze a hand hehe
but it's much more useful to make some groups to feel warm
it must look funny when my acquaintances and me form shaking orb

whatever driving in such weather is fun!

but i do love windy days
with the clouds and stuff
and NO sun

i guess you're right
that would be pretty funny
especially when you're like a really big group of people

i wish i knew how to drive

i thought parking in such conditions is a pain in the arse?

aww XD
i believe you'll make your own driving licence pretty soon
(if you don't lie about your age, hehe)
mmm parking you say, i have no idea XD
that wasn't my job to park a car in front of house
with my feel of distance i wouldn't have been able to pass an entrance gate ;)

i still have about two years to wait till i can take an exam
so how's the weather there?

Good I guess. I dunno exactly, I'm grounded home.
I've just sprained an ankle on an unsnowed, slipper pavement and I can't walk.
Fuck winter.

poor you
at least you get to cozy up right at home
with a cup of cocoa and a snuggie

Oh, never mind that, it seems to be ok right now.
But as a misery loves company
I'm horribly sick right now.
And no school again.
*fidgety laugh*

Chez!!!! it's me, Jimmy!

Don't let my old account fool you. I haven't commited suicide. Someone has hacked it and is spreading lies -.-

I missed you :(

Oh, hi Jimmy or rather Colby!
What a shame with that acc :(
I missed you too!