Hi, I'm Chez. Nice to meet you. If you need any help or just to want to talk, leave me a comment or send me a message. I will not eat you.

Chez @KuroiYasha


University of Technology


Joined on 7/22/07

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KuroiYasha's News

Posted by KuroiYasha - May 31st, 2010

It is sure that all good things come to an end heh.
And here not only come to the end but also end with rain haha.
Two days of fun...

First band my friend and me had seen was Carrion. Great band with powerful music. But we were completely astonished that people under stage just staring hopelesly without any willing to play. Whatever, as we started jumping, two other guys joined and we had our little 4-people-big pogo XD

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Then performed some techno-pop band that we didn't know how to play to it. But to our surprise tons of people arrived o.O Many of them were running to the scene like mad, so we run also - but in a contrary direction. My friend started doing a barrel roll on grass and I came to some advertisement tent and asked if I could have one of the paper windmills they had. A young guy who sit there looked at me like I was an idiot and gave me one. Then my friend and me were running as mad with the windmill doing crazy stuff and enjoy like little kids.
The performing band played unfinity and according to plan way too long and in the end we could see only a part of the band we arrived to see...

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Yeah, Jelonek. We just felt in love with this band after a performance in our little town. Crowd went crazy. I've just asked my friend if my nose wasn't bleeding after close contact with some guy in front of me. Unfortunately because of the stupid long long playing of the band before we've seen just about half.. Then we had to catch a last train home..

On the second day the only one band worth mention was awesome The Futureheads.
My friend had never heard of them while I know those guys since their first single.

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Amazing amount of a positive energy. The vocalist just asked what's going on under the stage when a wall of death was formed haha, honestly a superb concert and a superb band!

Only stupid organisators.
The crowd was demending few more songs and they didn't allow the band to play any due to a lack of time. And a day before they allowed. And then some of their guy started mumbling about ridiculous competitions that no one wanted to listen to. Uncompetition. Fuck. >.<

Then had to perform Sum 41, but because of a drummer's accident they couldn't arrive.
Generally, my friend and me were planning to spend a night in a capital but after The Futureheads there had to perform a band we didn't like, so we'd wait for 2 hours for another gig and after it wait like 5 hours for the first train in the morning. So we resigned and came back home with the last one.

But I bought the newest The Futureheads' CD haha!
And last night thanks to Uncle Google and Aunt Wikipedia I won a CD of a band Never that I've never heard before! XD


Posted by KuroiYasha - May 20th, 2010

I've just finished my lastest exam today...
Damn, I'm so fuckin' happy!!
No more school, no more stupid teachers...

Even so, this May, the month of those horrible, terrible, stressful exams, seems to be the best time in my life.. I go to every event, from show to show, gaining a lot of stuff, experience and haha bruises xP

Well well, the next gigs are on next Friday && Saturday
I have tickets yet, haha
This time will perform:
- Carrion
- Jelonek
- The Futureheads
and (omg, omg!)
- SUM41 !!!!
Report after the event (if I'd just been able to)

but today's not only the great day of holidays' beginning
today's also...

(If you do not feel good about it, take Coke, please.)

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This time in Russian, heheheh
The world seems to be beautiful again! :)

FFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu uu!!!!
No SUM 41 due to the drummer's accident...
Jeez, why now? Why the fuck now?!
Shit. I'll be crying.


Posted by KuroiYasha - March 21st, 2010

While writing this post, I'm tired as Hell, barely can focus my eyes on anything and in my head still sound drums. Every muscle hurts.
And I'm after a night full of sleep. Well, I thought it would be worse, hehehe.

So let's start from the beginning.

First appeared Dritte Wahl.
It wasn't bad, even if they weren't welcomed warmly enough. I can't say much about this band, a lot of kids (literally) gather under a stage and they tried to make pogo, but it looked very strange :/ Hopefully with every next performer average age was increasing, same as fun.

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The next one was Hurt.
I knew only two songs of this band before this show. Now I have its album.
When a leader appeared on the stage, I thought he looked like a total kid, but then... There was such a great amount of positive energy, it was an amazing performance. One of the best I've ever been to.

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Another one this evening was Tabu.
Honestly, I almost hadn't seen this show. Not only because my friend and me aren't into regage much. I bet we could play with the audience. But we were way too tired after Hurt. We only appeared under the stage at the end of the show, when Tabu started played ska. Whatever, we got tired again XD Great band.

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And in the end was a performance of the organizer of the whole event - Farben Lehre.
Gosh, pogo was amazing. I just didn't have enough strenght XD My friend was better so he got into the biggest crowd. He met there his geography teacher (big, fat, baldy guy, over 50 years old). And this big guy throw my friend very hard, so he was like a cannonball and... knocked one of the biggest old punk in hall who stand nearby XD I started laughing hard. And my friend hadn't even noticed that he stroke with somebody o.O
I torn my throat completely. Good that I knew only few songs. Well, I barely speak right now. X3

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But we weren't able to be there till the end. Our legs hurt too much even to stand.
Some guy fell asleep again. I'm not sure if this wasn't the same guy as on The Bill concert X3

When we came back to my home, we were so tired and seems we looked a bit weird after 4 hours of jumping that my Mom asked if we were drunk. But we drank only water o.O

And I spent a lot of money again instead of saving it. Combat boots bye bye!
So well, I bought Hurt CD, badges of Hurt and Farben Lehre and a poster of Punky Reggae Live 2010. I put it onto the board under an other band poster, so the last free space in my room is occupied -.- Oh, I forgot, ceiling is left X3
Shi- I spent so much lately >.> In the previous week I finally got the CD of old, punk, forgotten band's covers that I've been looking for over three months everywhere.

All my body hurts, amount of bruises increased again, but I'm incredibily happy!
...and tired...

Punky Reggae Live 2010 - I've been rocked

Posted by KuroiYasha - February 22nd, 2010

No idea what should I write here again.

Firstly a cover of an awesome Weebl's song.

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I can definitely say this thingy made my day(s).
And the guy in a dress with a crown looks exactly like one guy who played a teacher in a high school performance. Yeah, he also had a dress and a crown. And I'm now sure about the man on the vid, but our guy had also 10 cm high shoes. I just admired him that he was able to walk (because I wouldn't be able to) and much more that he started to jump in these on scene o.O

Aside from this song all my other thoughts are likely about 20th March.
I'm just waiting for Punky Reggae Live! In my town this year!
Mmm I guess I should buy the new Farben Lehre album to sing with at least one band, but I'm out of money again xD I spent all savings on Hunter's concert and a CD I bought on it and on a new album of The Bill XD
Bwahaha, I just can't wait for this event, it'll prolly end like January's ska/punk gig - with hundreds bruises and a sweet pain after hours of pogo xD Uhm, I just wouldn't like to have a swollen arm again ugh XP

Oh, and on the Hunter's show I got to know that my hair is much too short for such metal events xD

I can't believe it!
6th March!! It is so soon!!! :D

Last weekend I was on a cabarets overview. I spent in a Culture House, literally, about 9 hours.
I've seen 9 cabarets, a stand up comedy and an improvisational comedy night.
Gosh, I haven't laugh so hard since... the last cabaret I was on XD

And I've just bought the new Thy Disease album.
Anshur-za. Awesome thingy.
I bet you all know this song :3

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The Bill concert = completed

As a support appeared our punk local band Pull The Wire. They said it was their last gig *sniff* They sang a sad song in the end *sniff* and many people stood in line, catching each other and we all started waving and singing with the band *sniff* We must do something to put Pull The Wire together again.

And then, yeah, The Bill. Old good punk band.
I've never expected there's so many old punks and skins in my little town XD
Average age on the dance floor was about 30 o.O
Younger people had no chances in the crowd, elders had too much strenght, hehe. But we supported each other in pogo much (including one big guy who was catching everyone who was going to fall) XD

Oh, and I admired one guy, who was drunk so hard, that regardless to all noise around, sat under a table and fell asleep.

As usually, I'm battered, have some serious bruises and had an awesome fun.
I also have a little throatpain. Seems that me and two other punks were yelling 'Toilet' song a bit too loud X3

In conclusion: awesomeness.
I don't know why, but among people who gather at such events I feel like in a one big family.

I'm just trying to figure out how to wash off an ink stample I've been having on my hand since the concert (everyone got it while entering a pub). I wonder what one guy was doing that he asked a guard to give him another one, because his stamp got rubbed o.O
...and I'm struggling with this funny mark third day XD

In the end of this post an ad that inspire me lot

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Yeah, I couldn't restrain myself and not to make my own balloon like these ones!
I know I'm such a kiddo XD

Oh well, if someone would like a Lockerz invitation feel free to send me a PM with your email ;)

Few events on the horizon

Posted by KuroiYasha - January 4th, 2010

One year passed, another came, just hope this one will be better. Too many people I loved left this world last year. People very close to me. Some others struggled or still struggle for their lives.

Beginning of a year for me is a Person Who has Changed my Life death anniversary. It's been three years since He passed by. Like every year this day my friends and me will be listening and singing a song for His Memory. No matter it is Ska, I always cry lisening to it. I hear it once per a year, but I never forget its words and melody.

No. It's not the song. It would be too hard for me to stand it.
Here is one of those I've been listening much lately. I like the original track better, but English version is also good.

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I was a one of their concerts. Awesome energy. I won't forget one fat guy who somehow got onto a scene and jumped into the crowd. The audience had rather weak hands so he felt down. Vocalist looked scared at him and said concerned to all of us "I won't forbid you jumping from the scene, but be careful, please." :)

And here is one of my little friends who sometimes try to kill me, but mostly save me giving me amusement on boring lessons.

More awesome photos of these magnificent birds, also the source of this one: http://www.fotoprzyroda.pl

Another year...

Posted by KuroiYasha - December 23rd, 2009

Xmas time came, so finally no school for few days!
Time of joy, time of happiness.
Honestly, I've never felt Xmas like this year. I could walking around singing, not only Christmas carols and their strange covers, but many random songs about winter, Santa etc. O.O

I'd like to wish you all Merry Christmas,
Fat Santa who will stuck in a chimney,
Reindeers without flu (remember: red nose = 100% flu),
No flames on a Christmas Tree,
And, of course, superb presents (quality over quantity)!

Xmas songs for you :3

<div class="blogmedia">

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And here's one more. It's a bit heavier, hehe, so listen to it at your own risk (:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlgIuYV phg0

Mmm seems another year passed so quickly.
I'm not gonna making any listthis year. I'm not good at completing such things :P
All I know this year will be hard. Crap.

I'd like to thank everyone who supported and helped me during the last year. Thank you all!

And in the end, as it couldn't be different, the promised comic. For those, who has not know the Santa himself yet, check this out.
Well, I found some more time than usually, so the result is longer and (finally) in a better quality :D

The full version availaible here :3

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year && Comic

Posted by KuroiYasha - November 29th, 2009

Seems my life has changed. Changed, hope, permanently.
This news post had to be about my gloomy mood, depression and all bad stuff which were appeared in my head. It would have looked like this if I wrote it a week ago.

Something happened.
Not that I am 100% sure what is going on, I feel kinda confused since that time.
That was an ordinary Tuesday's afternoon. I was standing in an awesome queue to receive a city card, old geese pull me onto the end of it (firstly they wanted some help from me with filling a form, then they all stated they were there before me. ehh -.-)
Then some funny, young, baldy metal guy appeared. He asked if he could be after me in the queue and went to fill the form. We both wanted to talk to each other badly, but we both were too ashamed to start... After a loooong moment he pulled himself together and said:
'Nice chains, could I have a look?'
I bet my face was whole red, but we finally started a conversation. We were laughing as crazy from all things around us. When I finally got to a cash window some man who was standing behind me and that metal guy asked suprised if we were not together o.O

Than all things went so fast, I was late for a class and generally feel so strange that I dunno what was going on. I was too ashamed, I guess so he was, that I do not even know his name T_T

After all this day I came home and unexpectedly noticed that my endless mood of hopelessness disappeared. I do not know what this metal guy did, but since this day I feel much better! I see that I started to look at all problems in an optimistic way, or just do not care precisely.

I feel that I must find this guy, I do not have idea how, but I must.
At least to say 'Thank you'.
Till now I spent many hours searching on the most popular community portal (without any result) and wrote to a free, daily newspaper which is read by half of the capital city (it's a 2-million-people city argh!), hope they will print it -.-
EDIT: They printed it on Tuesday. Still no response. This way failed.

What should I do to find him? Maybe you have any idea?
Write it here, please!

EDIT (NEW): Well, today passes 3 weeks since I met this guy. I still have a little hope I will find him, but I slowly calm down, do not look around as crazy. I feel that I have learned much since that day, surely I have much more self-confidence than before.

What is a probability of meeting same woman, exactly in the same place?! It happened.
So if this guy and me have to meet some day, we'll certainly do; so no worries :)

And I had no idea that there are so many bald people around! XD

Right now I'm wondering about Xmas. I need to make something for my friend from Vietnam's bar but have no idea what it should be. Probably it will be a chef paperkraft, but don't know when I'll get time to stick it =.= Well, I have no idea if I'll even be able draw a new comic on time. Damn.

Finding you cannot be so hard. I hope.

Posted by KuroiYasha - October 22nd, 2009

Now I'm waiting for that funny piece of plastics called a driving licence :D
So as one of politics said: YES! YES! YES!
I'm SOOO HAPPY that I just have no words...

This time, fortunately, I had a very nice examinator (in comparision: last time I had a terrible hag who started yelling me when I asked what I did wrong), so that guy was really pleasant and I noticed that he really wanted me to pass. Indeed, I'm very thankful to him. Well, if I hadn't pass this time I would have given up. But I did it.

...No more wasted money for exam, no more that horrible waiting for being readed, no more stress! ...And no more driving the 'L' car! YEAH!!

And in the end one of the photos I took during my travels :3


Posted by KuroiYasha - October 14th, 2009

Nothing changed, unfortunately I'm still alive, nothing more.
Maybe only a weather which creeps me with a pace of changing.

I bought another CD, of a minor band of course, this time Mind Kampf (uk) [no, that's not about the famous book!]. So well, the album is recorded well, nevertheless I expected more of a kicking out power. Same to the lyrics, almost all songs are about... LOVE! I haven't thought I'll be able to hold in my hands a CD with such a music again. Although I still like it much :)

Here's one of this band's vids:

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I am completely out of money right now, yee...


And in the end one of the best things I found lately in the Internet.
Don't be deceived with a cuteness of this pic, writing below it says much.

PS. I know it is LOVELY!

Well, well...

Posted by KuroiYasha - September 1st, 2009

School began again.

This year will be hard, hard as never before. It will be finished with exams, the most important ones in my life.

Anyhow I must pass the exams and I need to do it well. I'll be learning much and probably will be here rarely. It may come to I'll be cut off from the Internet. I won't be even surprised if it happen, I know that it will be for my good.


I'm glad that for two religion lessons both are on the last hours. That means high ratio of coming back home earlier \m/

Edit: I have this lesson with a funny priest this year. He's much better than a nun-goblin. Seems I'll be going on this lesson :)


As a school had begun means that fall come. And with it come CHESTNUTS!
Yeah, I'm still a little kid in such a matter. I pick them up everyday while running to a train. Before I get to the station I always have full pockets XD I know that people on a street look at me in a strange way, I don't care! My classmates keep telling me that I am too old for that. F*** the maturity! Chestnuts are too amazing to care about the dignified people who don't know how much they lose! :D


To feel better at the very beginning ov the schol year I bought the newest Behemoth's album 'Evangelion' (review here). Cool CD, I think, Nergal like usually did a great job, I highly recommend it.
I love the last track of this album, 'Lucifer'. <3

I also bought the Zielone Zabki's album (haha, I bet you aren't able to say this name correctly! ;) I couldn't believe I found such a not known band's CD in the shop :D

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And in the end my summerbreak's tattoo. Photo taken, of course with my damned cell phone, so you can see a wall of my room better than my arm. Whatever, enjoy.

Random stuff right now