Hi, I'm Chez. Nice to meet you. If you need any help or just to want to talk, leave me a comment or send me a message. I will not eat you.

Chez @KuroiYasha


University of Technology


Joined on 7/22/07

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KuroiYasha's News

Posted by KuroiYasha - August 22nd, 2009

I have ended my driving course, sweet times passed away. My instuctor, who was creepy, in the end turned out to a nice guy, at least for me. He have not know my name 'till about 16th hour of driving! xD But I think he liked me and I also liked him.
I will miss him... T_T

And yeah, I have a driving exam on Wed, 26th.

I try not to be stressed, but you know, it is kinda hard. I know that even if I blam, nobody will be mad at me or whatever. I know that passing or blamming is a case of fortune, but still...
Of course, I would love to pass, I have about 10% chance, 1 per 10 passing it haha.

Wish me luck.



Theory - OK
Practise - Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail

I failed on the most stupid thing, double failure on a hill.
It wouldn't be so bad, but when the examiner sit in a car, said I had blammed and asked me if I wanted to go drive in a town I did the exercise correctly without any problem D:


I was bored, so here's a gif.

So the time comes...

Posted by KuroiYasha - July 28th, 2009

During the week of absence I met many great people from my family I haven't know, I visited some kind of healer-sorcerer who told me all damages of health I ever had, whatever he looked like an ordinary guy, was very nice and talkative. I also was at a trip to a dead city, it (here some links: 1 2) and to abandoned base of nuclear warheads (link here).
Moreover I got some cash from some guy on the street. A banknote dropped from his pocket and when I wanted to give it him back, he was like 'WTF? my money?' and gave me it saying "You'll have on Coke" :D

But that's not the end!
Finally I bought myself my first ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! Dean Vendetta 3.0 classic black... It's so glorious feeling to have such wonderful Thing in hands... There's no photos in the Net exactly of this model I have, the one with such white eyes on the neck. I attache one made with my damned cell phone.
I just thought my Dad will kill me when it came to pay.

While writing this my fingers nearly bleeding X3

...Poor neighbors...

Hell Fuckin' Yeah!

Posted by KuroiYasha - July 18th, 2009

My life's still going, nothing special. I've been waiting for CDs or other stuff I won in a radio long time ago, but seems the sending lost somewhere. I am wonder when it comes. Whatever I am leaving my home for some time and going to visit some family, or rather I should say: to know the family, because I've never seen those people before. I feel really special.

Sorry all my friends I wasn't leaving you comments lately, I am not on Newgrounds much. I'm going be more active when come back home.

By now I'm leaving you with a funny picture from a Japanese demonology :)

Another useless post :P

Posted by KuroiYasha - June 20th, 2009

Hell F*cking Yeah!
Summer break, finally!
No school, no annoying teachers, no stress!

But it won't be so free as it seems. This year I'm gonna make a driving license :D
Also I need to learn some physics and math. I know it may seem be stupid, but in other case I won't be able to pass exams next year. I have no idea how long I'll be able to keep myself in doing that, anyhow I'll be trying :P From other stuff I'll probably make many new paper models (I don't have enough free space for them >.<) or at least finish a Warcraft's Devil I've been make recently. Maybe I'll find a job, but it's rather doubtful. I had plans, but all went completely wrong and only kicked my ass. I do not care, I'll find something better to do :)

What about you? Do you have holidays and what about your plans?

/* */
Dang, hope my writing does not look so pessimistic as I think it is. All things goes pretty well! Sleepless nights are coming! Be happy! :D

And yeah, in the end, the newest comix.
Hope you like it. Enjoy!

EDIT: Yielding to inducements of some of you I have uploaded a few pieces of my art. As my friend used to say: "It was a b**ch to upload". Any of software I have ever used was making so much problems to upload anyting. :p Anyhow check it out :)

Vacations! + Comix

Posted by KuroiYasha - June 8th, 2009

Seems that my Powerwolf obsession (thank you Anz and your awesome radio broadcast) is slowly burning down. Now I fell in love in Sirrah's album Acme (also hail to Anz). Yeah, I'm kidding a bit, but after whole week these songs are still mumbling in my head \m/

I attach here one of them. I know that not everyone likes such music, at least listen to the chorus (about 1:25) =)

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Ehh the cover pic ^_^;

PS. New comic almost surely next week!
Stay tuned!


Posted by KuroiYasha - May 29th, 2009

If I live the next two weeks... if only...
F***ing hustle in everything.
I have been sick and tired of that all and them all.

I hate end of school year.

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Posted by KuroiYasha - May 20th, 2009

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Another year passed, another birthday comes...

I feel old. Very old. I wish I were like be like those kids on the vid... Damn.
At least I am not gonna be a 100% adult, never. I will be always a kid, at least partially ^__^
The song tells everything I could say here.

End of pesymism now, let's party!
I am really thankful for all who motivates me, for all who reads my posts and for all who visits my account first time.

Thank you for everything! *Hugs!*

And, at the end, the promised comix. 'Finally!' some of you can say. 'Finally!' I can also say. What's more? ... Enjoy!



Posted by KuroiYasha - May 8th, 2009

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I feel dizzy.
Too many things. Too little time.
Even no strengh to complaining.

For all you, my friends, who still waits for the new comic and has not lost hope yet, I can promise that the new one will be relased on my birthday day (the same day as in the last year).

Last year one of you (exactly Benjamin, greetings!), suggested an interesting idea. Along to that: would you like to make me a surprise and draw a little comic for me? You still have some time ^____^

& Back to the topic:
This pic below shows a crossroad in Russia. You just have to turn left...

Dizzy of that all.

Posted by KuroiYasha - April 26th, 2009

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I have been waiting for it whole year. For this one night between 30th April and 1st May.

The Walpurgis Night is a very special time when demons, spirits, ghosts and other damned beings freely walks on the Earth.
In the Norse mythology it is the night of dead, evil spirits and in the Celtic calendar it is a Beltane holiday which begins the Summer.

People in the past used to set bonfires, often on tops of hills or any high places, to keep away those evil creatures and dead from their houses and families, also they used to clean their fireplaces and furnaces and fix fences. On the festivals, naked people (probably for safety) were jumping through fire, others were carrying out cattle between two outbreaks to protect them against diseases.
The symbol was the pillar of the May holidays with white and red ribbons (phallic shape symbolizing the god, and garland at the top - goddess).
Types of rituals and beliefs, of course, depended on the place where the feast was celebrated.

The night is also known by numerous sabbaths especially on the Blocksberg in the central Germany. Allegedly, the witches hold a large celebration on the mountain and await the arrival of Spring.

Even now some people still celebrate this night by setting bonfires, playing with fire, singing and dancing. Maybe that sounds weird nowadays, but all is for fun and happiness! :D

If you want to know more, look for in Wiki or just click links above :)

Johannes Praetorius: Blockes-Berges Verrichtung 1668

Walpurgis Night

Posted by KuroiYasha - April 19th, 2009

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Dunno what happened to me, I'm a papercrafter again. Everything is in glue :P
I feel much better than lately, seems everything goes well.
Maybe a comic soon... I have an idea, yay!

By the time I leave you with a pic by Mr. Minkiewicz from a comic I've been reading recently :D
